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Areola Restoration

& Nipple Tattoos

We offer realistic full and partial Bilateral & Unilateral 3D Areola Restoration after healing from mastectomy, plastic surgery, lifts, reductions and other surgical breast procedures.

Areola Pigmentation is also a great solution for clients who would like to add a more desirable color to their naturally pale areola/nipples or camouflage scars after medical & plastic surgery. We also offer Heart Shaped Nipples!

Whether you have irregular shaped or fading areolas or are in need of a full 3d areola reconstruction, our natural colors are custom mixed to suit your desires, blend in with your skin tone and to restore color, provide symmetry, and give the appearance of a realistic areola.


As with all cosmetic tattoo procedures, a follow up visit is mandatory 6 weeks post procedure. Color retention can be affected by existing scar tissue, medications and other existing medical issues.


Mastectomy & Chemotherapy Patients:

Medical clearance on a letterhead or prescription note will be required. If the area to be treated includes scars, the minimum waiting time is 8 months from last revision on the area.


Doctor notes are not required for adding color or shape to natural areolas without prior surgeries


Camouflage Procedures: While these tattooed tones may initially simulate the color and tone desired, it will not always remain a perfect match. Tattooed tones are constant, while your own skin tones will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area.


First, begin your appointment by discussing your desires, needs and color options. Feel free to bring photos of nipples that you like or photos of your nipples before surgery, if you'd like to replicate them.


Next, we'll take before-photos and create a pre-drawing design for you to approve.  We apply high quality anesthetic cream before and during the procedure to keep you comfortable. 


After the procedure, you'll receive post-care instructions and we can set up your 6 Week follow up appointment or you can schedule it online under "1-3 Month Touch Up".


A follow up/touch up is necessary because while we strive for perfection on every procedure, healed results cannot be guaranteed to be perfect after the initial procedure due to the many factors affecting both integration and retention of pigments in the skin. Permanent and Reconstructive Cosmetic makeup procedures are directly affected by the skin that they are performed on. At the follow up, we can modify the color, layer in more color and add finishing touches and details.


Factors ranging from medications, sun exposure, smoking, hormones, scar tissue, skin type and skin's willingness to retain color and age all contribute to fading and must be considered during pre and post procedure.



Candidate Qualifications


  • Must be 18 or older

  • Cannot be pregnant or nursing

  • Must not be currently receiving Chemotherapy or Radiation treatments

  • If we're tattooing over a scar, the scar must heal for at least 8 months prior to tattooing

  • Must not be taking Accutane for 12 months prior

  • Diabetics and clients who heal slower are candidates, we just add a couple weeks of healing time between sessions 



Healing Process

A temporary redness is expected immediately following the procedure. The result will tend to look darker in appearance but will lighten considerably after a few days and gradually settle over the next few weeks.


After the peeling has ended, you may notice the area to have a waxy appearance, this is normal and part of the process.


Don't be alarmed if it fades more than was expected, this can happen and it's normal, thus why a follow up visit is required to assess color and retention.


Itching is normal and part of the healing process, do not pick nor scratch.



Day 1-3 Only: For the first 2-3 hrs. following pigmentation, gently blot the freshly tattooed area 2-4 times with distilled or spring water and a soft gauze pad to remove accumulated lymph on surface. Allow to air dry. If concerned about friction on the area, apply the ointment provided, Aquaphor or Lubriderm, cover the area with a non-stick bandage. If the bandage appears to stick to the freshly tattooed area, DO NOT PEEL OFF, proceed to soak the pads until they fall off on their own.

If clothing, bed sheets, etc... stick to your tattoo, follow the same procedure by soaking the fabric off. Pulling/peeling the fabric will cause color loss. If this happens on accident, no worries! That is what the follow up appointment is for. 


Shower and wash area daily, lukewarm water, mild cleanser. Let air dry or blow dry with cool air. Apply aftercare ointment or Aquaphor/Lubriderm twice daily with a Q-tip or freshly cleansed hands and change non-stick bandages. If no seeping of fluid is visible allow the area to breathe as much as possible. 


Day 4-10 or until healed: Continue to wash as instructed and apply the ointment/lotion twice daily with a Q-tip or freshly cleansed hands. Bandages are generally not generally necessary at this point but avoid any friction to the area while tattoo is in the peeling/flaking stage. Any scabs/flakes need to follow off on their own. If removed prematurely by friction/picking/peeling, the color may not retain or heal patchy and may require an additional touch up appointment.



Also from day 2 thru healing : Shower with back to water. Afterwards, lightly pat the areas, wait till completely dry and then re-apply the ointment.



  • Touching with fingers or picking throughout exfoliation process, you may apply provided ointment with cleansed hands only. New tattoos are healing wounds and can become infected if they come in contact with dirty hands, bacteria, etc..

  • Swimming, hot tubs or saunas to avoid infection

  • Long hot showers and baths

  • Direct sun, self-tanners, or tanning beds

  • Gyms and any activities that would cause heavy perspiring for first week, especially the first few days. The salt in sweat causes color to be lifted to the surface of the skin (osmosis) which will cause the color to fall out with scabs during the peeling stage.

  • Any activities which would get the area dirty

  • Any lotions or creams other than the ointment recommended or approved by your artist first. 





If you experience any burning or hurting sensation or visible reaction to aftercare provided, discontinue immediately and call for further directions.

If sensitivity increases or reddish ring appears on the Areola perimeter, you must contact us and your primary care physician immediately. Antibiotic treatment may be required.



Questions? Feel free to send us a message or photos via Facebook or email:

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